R Little Secrets 4 U


My practice is built on providing a nurturing, healing and positive information and services.  I have over 25 years of experience in my field.

I am an Intuitive Empathic Healer.  This may just confuse you because you have no clue what that is.  Well to me it's just a label to get you to know me a bit better.  Basically it means that I an "feel things" that sometimes others can not.  I am focused on the betterment of humanity and provide a wide variety of different services based on each clients needs.

I am Reiki III level certified

Crystal Healer

Paranormal Enthusiast

House Energy Clearing/Blessing

Hands on Healing

PTSD Healing Modalities

Intuitive Life Stylist

Spiritual advice and Services

Natural Herbs and Healing

When your body, mind and Spirit are out of balance so is your life.  Free your mind and the rest will follow!

This is just the tip of the iceburg of things I'm offering as services.  So please cruise through my pages of my site because you never know what you'll find inside.  That's why it's R LITTLE SECRET!

Welcome and come on in!

Bright Blessings to you,



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